Johannes Jäschke - Research
I am working on linking methods from optimization and control theory. My goal is to systematically develop practically applicable solutions for operating process systems in a safe, reliable, and economical way.
Funded Research Projects
SUBPRO Zero: Substantial progress to Zero emissinos (Industrially funded 2023-2026)
FRINATEK Researcher Project: Sensitivity-based path-following for robust economic model predictive control
IKTPLUSS Bilateral Project Norway-China: AutoPRO, Digitalization for Autonomous Prognosis and Production Optimization in Offshore Production Systems
Automatic Calibration of Digital twins (“Drifting twins”). Funded within the SUBPRO center for research-based innovation SUBPRO SFI
Optimal Process operations, Funded by the HighEFF center for research-based innovation.
Former Research Projects
Young Researcher Talents Grant funded by the Norwegian Research Council: Fast hierarchical economic optimization of dynamic systems
Industrial research project funded by Yara AS. Electrolyzer Control
Estimation of unmeasured process variables for subsea processing systems, Funded within the center for research-based innovation SUBPRO SFI
Operational strategies for extending the remaining useful life of subsea processing systems, Funded within the SUBPRO center for research-based innovation SUBPRO SFI
Enhanced Virtual Flow Metering Funded within the SUBPRO center for research-based innovation SUBPRO SFI
Energy Efficiency optimization of large-scale systems under uncertainty, Funded by the HighEFF center for research-based innovation.