Johannes Jäschke - Research Group

My group is part of the Systems Engineering Group at the Department of Chemical engineering at NTNU.

PhD Students

  1. Simen Bjorvand

  2. Lucas Camman

  3. Marius Fredriksen

  4. Jonas Fraihat

  5. Archana Kumaraswamy

  6. Eden Ngowi


Co-supervised PhD students

  • Leonardo Sales with Assoc Prof Milan Stanko, Department of GeoScience and Petroleum, NTNU

  • Lucas Ferreira Bernardino, with Professor Skogestad, Department of Chemical engineering, NTNU


Graduated PhD students

  1. Tamal Das Modelling, Estimation and Control for Optimal Operation of Separation Processes in the Oil and Gas Industry 14. December 2018 (ABB Oslo).

  2. Adriaen Verheyleweghen, Control Degrees of Freedom for Optimal Operation and Extending Remaining Useful Life 12. June 2020, (Cybernetica AS, Trondheim )

  3. Timur Bikmukhametov Machine Learning and First Principles Modeling Applied to Multiphase Flow Estimation 18. December 2020, (Zyfra, Moscow)

  4. Mandar Thombre Novel Approaches in Robust Multistage Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, 19. February 2021, (Equinor, Trondheim)

  5. Zawadi Mdoe Nonlinear model predictive control under uncertainty: Enhancing efficiency, stability and robustness 30. May 2024 (ABB, Oslo)

  6. Evren Mert Turan Advances in Optimisation and Machine Learning for Process Systems Engineering 21. March 2024 (ETH Zurich)

  7. Halvor Aarnes Krog Simple and Robust Formulations of the Unscented Kalman Filter and Model Predictive Control 22. March 2024 (Sintef Energi, Trondheim)

Former Postdocs (subsequent position)

  1. Caroline Satye Nakama (Aurora Energy Research, Sao Paulo, Brazil)

  2. Esmé (Peter) Maxwell (NTNU Industrial Ecology)

  3. Jose Matias (Postdoc at McMaster University)

  4. Eka Suwartadi (TietoEVRY, Oslo)

Former researchers and other associates

  1. Md Rizwan (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NTNU)

  2. Sandeep Prakash (2020-2021) ✝

Former co-supervised PhD students

  • Ana Dias with Prof. Mauricio B. de Souza Jr., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Lucas Bernardino (with S. Skogestad)

  • Dinesh Krishnamoorthy (with S. Skogestad)

  • Julian Straus (with S. Skogestad)

  • Vinicius De Oliveira (with S. Skogestad)

  • Chriss Grimholt (with S. Skogestad)

  • Md. Rizwan, with Christian Holden, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,NTNU