The paper by Evren Turan Designing neural network control policies under parametric uncertainty: A Koopman operator approach was selected as Keynote lecture at the 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS) in Busan, South Korea!
Mandar Thombre sucessully defended his PhD on 19. February 2021. The thesis titled: Novel Approaches in Robust Multistage Nonlinear Model Predictive Control can be downoaded here
Timur Bikmukhametov sucessfully defended his PhD on 18. December 2020. The thesis titled: “Machine Learning and First Principles Modeling Applied to Multiphase Flow Estimation” can be downoaded here
Adriaen Verheyleweghe sucessfully defended his PhD on 12. June 2020. The thesis titled: “Control Degrees of Freedom for Optimal Operation and Extending Remaining Useful Life” can be downloaded here
Unique interview with Professor Kalman (Kalman filter) on occation of the 2015 Nordic process control award! Klick here…
My research interests are within the field of process systems engineering, with a strong focus on modelling, numerical optimization and control.
By linking methods from optimization and control theory, my goal is to systematically develop practically applicable solutions for operating process systems in a safe, reliable, and economical way.
Topics in this area include:
Optimization-driven methods for optimal operation and control strategies
Real-time optimization and predictive control
Quantitative data methods for optimization and control of process systems
Johannes Jäschke
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
N-7491 Trondheim
Phone: +47 735 93691
twitter: @JoJaschke